General Policies
Acceptable Use Policy
Before East Tech students are permitted to use the computers at school, parents and students must sign an Acceptable Use Policy. This agreement means the student promises to adhere to the educational and academic restrictions placed upon school computer use and understands that any violations may result in the loss of computer/network privileges and/or other disciplinary measures.
Activities Participation
CCSD Regulation 5135.1 B.1-2 states that students must maintain good overall grades and attendance to participate in school-sponsored activities. Participation in school activities, including field trips, dances, and other extracurricular events, is a privilege. To participate, students must not have excessive absences or tardies, may not be failing any classes, must maintain a 2.0 GPA, must have paid their program fees, and must not have outstanding debt. Additionally, students who have been suspended or removed from school for any disciplinary reasons may be prohibited from participating. *NOTE: Students on Warning or Probationary status must be cleared through the Activity’s Office for participation in any extra-curricular activity. Students will need to be picked up after events no later than 30 minutes after the event's end time. Students who are not picked up within 30 minutes will be excluded from future events, and a Required Parent Conference (RPC) will be scheduled for the next school day.
Daily announcements are made to apprise students of important school-related information. Distribution of advertisements, posters, and party announcements is prohibited on campus.
The school bank is operated for the convenience of students and to ensure the security of school-generated funds. All money collected from student activities must be receipted and deposited immediately in the school bank. School bank hours are 6:30 AM - 2:30 PM. Some banking activities (the payment of course fees, the purchase of PE clothes or a school yearbook, etc.) can be conducted online. The online web store can be found here;
Bus Transportation
Bus service is provided to East Tech students who live within the East Tech transportation boundary. Schedule and bus stop information can be obtained by calling 799-8111. If buses fail to show up at a stop or a student's welfare is threatened, parents are asked to call the District Transportation Department at 799-8100. Students may only ride their assigned bus. Students who participate in athletics at their home school are responsible for providing their own transportation from East Tech to the home school. Riding school buses is a privilege, and that privilege may be revoked for failing to follow behavior guidelines.
Closed Campus
East Tech students are required to remain on campus from their time of arrival until dismissal. This includes lunch. Students who must go home during the school day due to illness must check out through the nurse’s office. Students violating this policy may be subject to a required parent conference (RPC) and/or truancy; any items purchased by a student(s) during a closed campus violation will be confiscated. Additionally, students returning to campus are subject to search. Students who have an open period(s) at the end of the day, but want to participate in after-school activities, including clubs, may stay on campus in the Tech Center. Students need to sign in and identify what event they are staying for. The late bus is for students who remain on campus to engage in school activities and/or projects. Students who wish to take advantage of this opportunity are not permitted to leave campus between the dismissal bell and the arrival of the late bus. Students who violate this policy may face revocation of late bus privileges and/or dismissal from the club or activity.
Cellular Phones and Electronic Devices
The administration at East Tech is not responsible for damaged or stolen cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, computers/laptops, or other electronic devices brought to school by students. These devices are to remain put away during instructional time; however, permission may be granted for instructional use at the teacher’s discretion. The school’s Progressive Discipline Plan will be used in response to a student’s failure to adhere to the rules.
The parent/guardian/student is responsible for ensuring that the correct home address and phone numbers are on file at school. Please contact the registrar to report any change of information or incorrect information.
Delivery of Messages and Items
Instructional time will not be interrupted for delivering student messages unless there is an emergency. A message to a student involves class disruption and use of clerical time and is a possible violation of the FERPA. There is no way to verify the legal parent/guardian from a telephone call. If an emergency situation arises, parents/guardians must come to the school to deliver the message in person to provide identification. Only the parent/guardian listed on the permanent school record (CCF703) will be permitted to have contact with a student. Items such as lunch (GrubHub, UberEats, Postmates, etc.), flowers, gifts, balloons, money, etc., will not be delivered to students and will be confiscated at the owner's expense.
Equal Opportunity
In compliance with federal and state regulations, the Clark County School District shall not discriminate based on sex, age, race, color, national origin, religion, or handicap in the educational programs or activities in which it operates.
Elevator Usage
Students are not permitted to use the elevator without the school nurse's or administration's consent.
Eye Protection
Students working in lab environments involving power tools or chemicals must wear eye protection. These will be issued to students enrolled in a career and technical program with potential safety hazards.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Public Law 93-380 (FERPA)
The Family Rights and Privacy Act holds that schools can only release information to the parents or guardians of a student. East Tech will only release information to the parents or guardians listed on the student enrollment form. Parents should notify the school if there are any special circumstances regarding the guardianship of their son or daughter.
Field Trips
CCSD Regulation 6142 recognizes field trips as an important extension of the educational process. Specific criteria have been established for student eligibility. Students who have excessive tardies and absences, demonstrate poor citizenship in the classroom, are in possession of alcohol or other drugs, or commit serious or chronic misbehavior will be denied participation in field trips. Additionally, to participate in a field trip, students must be passing ALL classes. Grade checks are conducted twice before the event. If a student is found to be ineligible after paying for an event NO refunds will be issued as students understand the requirements for participating.
The administration reserves the right to make the final determination of student eligibility for field trip participation based on academic performance, attendance, and conduct. Any student expelled, currently on RPC, suspended, or at an alternative placement may not attend or participate in school-related field trips.
All student fines should be paid before registration for the following year or graduation (if a senior). Seniors will not be issued caps and gowns if they have outstanding fines. Students failing to take care of their obligations will experience delays in registration. Students with outstanding fines or balances will not be allowed to participate in field trips or school functions.
Fire Drills and Shelter-in-Place Drills
Fire drills are held at unannounced intervals during the school year under the direction of the Clark County Fire Department. If students are in doubt about the fire exit route, specific information is posted in each classroom or laboratory. Students are to take all personal valuables when exiting classrooms, leaving all books. Students are not to use restrooms or leave campus during a fire drill. Students who happen to be in a school area that is not under the supervision of a teacher at the start of a fire drill must move immediately to the nearest exit and join a supervised group of students. If a shelter-in place drill is conducted during the school day, students are to remain in their classroom and follow the instructions from the teachers. Students out of the classroom during these drills are to move immediately into the nearest supervised classroom.
Food and Beverages
No food or beverages are allowed in hallways, classrooms, tech center, or fish bowls. Food or beverages are not to be taken from the cafeteria or quad area. East Tech will be participating in “Second Chance Breakfast” this year. Any student who would like to pick up breakfast between Periods 1/3 or 2/4 may do so and consume it during the first 5 minutes of the next period. This will be the only food permitted in the classrooms. Students are expected to clean up after themselves.
All East Tech students will be required to have a CCSD Google® account. This account allows students to electronically communicate with their instructors and with each other both in school and at home. Students will receive training on how to properly use this account. Responsible behavior in the use of this online account will be closely monitored. The school’s Progressive Discipline Plan will be used in response to a student’s failure to adhere to the rules as described in the Acceptable Use Policy.
Health Office
A full-time First Aid Safety Assistant (FASA) is on duty in the health office. A certified school nurse is available on a regular basis. The health aide does not supply any form of medication. If medication (prescription or nonprescription) is needed during school hours, the student must obtain a medication release form from the health aide. This form must be completed by the parent/guardian and returned with the medication. If students become ill or injured while in school, they must obtain a pass from the teacher and then report to the health office. They are not to call parents to pick them up or leave campus without reporting to the health aide's office. The FASA will contact the parent or guardian if a student needs to go home. Students with disabilities should contact the school nurse to obtain information concerning the availability of health services.
Student lockers remain the property of the school and school authorities have a responsibility and the right to examine the lockers for reasons of health, safety, and security. When students accept lockers, they acknowledge this right. Students are responsible for the condition of their assigned locker. If a personal padlock is placed on a hall locker, school authorities will remove it. Locker assignments are obtained from the Facilities Office. No sharing or switching of lockers is permitted.
Lost and Found
When personal items are found on campus, they are taken to the Tech Center to be secured. Any unclaimed items will be either discarded or donated to charity after 30 days.
Makeup Work
After any approved absence, the student must contact the teacher(s) to obtain makeup work within 3 school days following the absence. Review each course’s course expectations for each teacher’s makeup procedures.
Students requesting to retake an assessment/assignment will be required to participate in the following procedures:
- Students will meet in person with their teacher by appointment after school or at teacher discretion if time allows in class.
- Students will provide a written explanation of the reasoning for the reassessment request via REASSESSMENT REFLECTION.
- Students will actively participate in relearning the material with their teacher and complete the tasks assigned to them for the purpose of relearning prior to retaking an assessment.
- Students will be allowed ONE opportunity to reassess.
All requests to retake assessments must be submitted within two (2) school days (not classes) of the return of the original assessment. Requests to retake assessments after the allotted two (2) school days will not be accepted.
All reassessment opportunities will end the Friday prior to PROGRESS GRADE REPORTING and the END OF THE QUARTER/SEMESTER.
Students who do not turn in an assessment/assignment by the PROGRESS GRADE deadline and the QUARTER/SEMESTER GRADE deadline will not be allowed a reassessment opportunity. Students who are absent will make arrangements with the teacher.
Mandatory Academic Opportunity
A mandatory academic opportunity period may be scheduled for students who fall below a 70% in any subject. The purpose of this period is to ensure that all students get the extra help they need to master important concepts required for credit. It is important that students attend mandatory opportunity periods when they are assigned. Students/parents/guardians will be given at least a 24-hour notice of the mandatory academic opportunity period. Failure to attend an assigned academic opportunity will result in disciplinary action.
Media Release
East Tech is a high-profile school and is expected to be featured in various publications; therefore, each student must have his/her media release form on file.
Nevada Code of Honor and the Educational Involvement Accord
In compliance with Senate Bill 214, Section 17, passed during the 2005 Nevada Legislative session, the Nevada Code of Honor and the Educational Involvement Accord are required to be distributed to each student's parent(s) or guardian(s) at the beginning of each school year or upon a student's enrollment in the class, as applicable.
A parking permit is required for every vehicle parked in the student parking lot during regular school hours and must be displayed on the rearview mirror or the front right corner of the windshield at all times. Students who drive more than one vehicle must register each vehicle with the Facilities Office. Student parking is located on the west side of the building, next to the 500 wing (off Hollywood). Students are not to loiter in the parking lots and cannot go to their vehicles during class time, between classes, or during lunch. Students must drive at posted speed limit (5MPH) at all times. Students must drive cautiously and obey all driving laws on or around campus.
Failure to follow any of the school regulations may result in disciplinary consequences, the revocation of parking privileges, having vehicles towed at their own expense, and/or the notification of reckless driving to school police or other law enforcement officials. Student vehicles may be searched if there is suspicion of alcohol or other drugs, stolen items, weapons, or as a part of an arrest for violating the law. Any incidents or problems regarding parking must be reported to the Facilities Office immediately. The make, model, color, year, and license plate number of each vehicle driven on campus must be provided to school personnel to obtain a parking permit.
Permanent Markers
Permanent markers are not permitted on campus. Markers found on campus will be confiscated.
Posters and Fliers
All posters and flyers must be approved by the Activities Office prior to being posted on bulletin boards or in any common area.
Project-Based Learning
Project-Based Learning will be employed in all East Tech classes. This methodology will not replace time-honored teaching methods, but instead will be added to an instructor’s teaching strategies to make curriculum more meaningful, rigorous, and relevant to 21st-century learning outcomes. Additional information can be accessed at the following websites:
Program Fees and Uniforms
Students enrolled in program classes are charged a fee to pay for their personal educational items such as uniforms, specialized tools, consumables, reference books, or workbooks. Students may be required to wear distinctive dress appropriate to their program. The uniform requirement is specified by the teacher and will differ according to program. Fees must be paid at the start of the year. If economic circumstances are such that families find it difficult to pay the necessary fees, payment alternatives will be considered and arrangements can be made through students' counselors and teachers.
Smoking/Tobacco Policy
Clark County School District regulations prohibit the use of tobacco anywhere on campus. Students found using tobacco products, including vapor cigarettes/products, are subject to disciplinary action.
Tech Center
The tech center is available to students wishing to study, do research, borrow books, read, and collaborate. To assist students with their literary needs, a librarian is on duty to help with book selections or information searches. Students are expected to show respect for library books and courtesy towards other students using the facilities. All library books are the property of the school, and students are fined for lost or damaged books.
Instructional emphasis is placed on the following East Tech tenets: content knowledge, written communication skills, presentation skills, problem-solving skills, collaboration skills, and technology skills.
Textbooks are provided to students by the school district free of charge but remain the property of the school. Students will be charged a fine for lost or damaged books. A lost book must be paid for before another is issued. Bar codes on the textbook are used to identify the student to whom the textbook is issued. If the barcode is defaced, changed, or removed, the book will be returned to the school repository without credit given to the student (CCSD Reg, 6161). Students withdrawing from school or transferring to another school must return their textbooks or face fines, and a transfer form will not be issued until book fines are paid.
Student valuables, jewelry, or large amounts of money are not to be brought to school. THE SCHOOL ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LOSS OR THEFT OF SUCH ITEMS.
Visitor Policy
Students are not allowed to bring guests with them to school; however, parents or guardians are always welcome at East Tech. They must report to the front office for a visitor’s pass.