Student Handbook » Student Behavior and Discipline

Student Behavior and Discipline

East Tech staff members are legally responsible for maintaining order and discipline among all students. The law provides that students who do not comply with reasonable rules may expect disciplinary action. The Board of School Trustees expects the principal to take action as necessary to protect students and school personnel from dangerous or socially unacceptable student behavior. Violation of the rules may result in a student being suspended, recommended for behavioral program placement, recommended for expulsion, or other disciplinary action. East Tech will not tolerate inappropriate behavior and the student's consequences, in addition to progressive discipline, may be a return to his/her home school. In order to guarantee all students at the East Career & Technical Academy an enriching academic environment, East Tech has the following expectations for all students:
1. No student will interfere with the instructor’s right to teach.
2. No student will interfere with another student’s learning.
3. No student will engage in any behavior that is not in his/her best interest or in the best interest of others.
When students engage in inappropriate behaviors, they will be dealt with fairly and consistently using progressive discipline. For minor classroom disruptions, teachers will follow the East Tech Progressive Discipline Plan:
● First Offense: Verbal Warning
● Second Offense: Parent Contact (Phone Call or Letter Sent Home)
● Third Offense: Counselor Referral
● Fourth Offense (and Subsequent Offenses): Discipline Referral
Students are expected to behave appropriately in order to guarantee an excellent learning environment for all students. Behaviors subject to disciplinary action include but are not limited to: 
  • Arson – Intentionally setting fire, or attempting to set fire, or intentionally engaging in conduct which may reasonably be foreseen to set fire to property of another, participating in, or encouraging another person to participate in such conduct.
  • Assault – Attempt to cause physical injury intentionally or behave in such a way as could reasonably cause physical injury to a person or group of persons. This offense will result in an expulsion referral.
  • Automobile Misuse – Inappropriate use of an automobile on school property or during school events.
  • Battery – Unlawful and offensive hitting or touching of another person, a person’s clothes, or anything attached or held by him/her. This offense will result in an expulsion referral.
  • Bus Misbehavior – refusal to obey bus rules, and/or any action which creates a safety hazard or distracts the attention of the driver.
  • Campus Disruption – Participating in or causing a disturbance at school or school-related activities, e.g., riots, gang fights, false fire alarms, bomb threats, or similar disturbances. This offense will result in an expulsion referral
  • Computer Misconduct – Any unauthorized, unacceptable, or inappropriate use of computer activities, computer access, computer software, or any computer equipment; and/or any activity that affects or disrupts the school’s or the district’s computer hardware, software, or computer systems.
  • Defiance of School Personnel/Insubordination – Refusing to comply with the reasonable request of any staff member.
  • Discrimination – Discrimination is defined as a failure to treat all persons equally where no reasonable distinction can be found between those favored and those not favored.
  • Disorderly Conduct, Profanity, and Obscene Behavior – Conduct and/or behavior which is disruptive to the school environment such as vulgar, abusive, or coarse language, or behavior offensive to decency.
  • Dress Code Violation
  • Drugs/Alcoholic Beverages – Any student who is found to have used, possessed, and/or distributed a controlled and/or illicit substance or any substance represented as such will be referred for expulsion.
  • Explosive Devices or Poison Gas – Possession, use, or sale of explosive devices, inflammable materials, or poison gas, including but not limited to bombs, dynamite, fireworks, firecrackers, or any substance prepared chemically that explodes or is capable of explosion, or emits a poison gas, or a collection of parts from which an explosive device may be readily constructed. This offense will result in an expulsion referral.
  • Extortion – Solicitation of money, information, or something of value from another person in return for protection, or in connection with a threat to inflict harm, or through intimidation. This offense will result in an expulsion referral.
  • Forgery – Writing and using the signature or initials of another person for an illegal or unauthorized purpose.
  • Gambling – Participating in games of chance for the purpose of exchanging money and/or other valuables.
  • Gang Activity – Wearing any clothing or carrying any symbol on school district property that denotes membership in or an affiliation with a gang, or engaging in activity that encourages participation in a gang, or facilitates illegal acts of a gang.
  • Habitual Disregard of School Rules – Repeated occurrences of not following school rules regardless of efforts to correct such behavior.
  • Harassment – Verbal, visual, or physical conduct that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that adversely affects, or has the purpose or logical consequence of interfering with a student’s educational program or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive school atmosphere.
  • Hazing – An activity in which a person intentionally or recklessly endangers the physical health of another person for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with a student organization, academic association, or athletic team of a school.
  • Illegal Conduct – Behavior that violates the statutes and/or ordinates of the State of Nevada or any political subdivision of the State of Nevada.
  • Immoral Conduct – Behavior that the administration determines is not in conformity with the accepted principles of right and wrong and which is contrary to the moral standards of the community. Students who participate in immoral conduct as it pertains to sexual behavior between individuals shall be recommended for expulsion.
  • Insubordination – refusing to follow the directive of any staff member.
  • Racially Derogatory Remarks – The use of abusive and/or inappropriate words or phrases directed toward an individual’s race or heritage is considered harassment and/or verbal assault.
  • Robbery – Illegally taking property by using force or the threat of force. This offense will result in an expulsion referral.
  • Spray Propellants – All liquid, gaseous, or solid substances intended to produce temporary physical discomfort through being vaporized or otherwise dispersed into the air, including but not limited to: Tear gas, Mace, Capstun, Pepper Spray, etc. This offense will result in an expulsion referral.
  • Theft – Taking property that does not belong to the taker.
  • Tobacco – Use of tobacco on any school campus or at any school-sponsored activity or event is prohibited.
  • Trespassing
  • Vandalism, Destruction, or Defacement of Property – Willfully and maliciously destroying, defacing, or mutilating the property of another, or intentionally engaging in conduct which could reasonably result in destruction or damage to the property of another.
  • Weapons – Any student who is found to possess, use, transmit, or conceal any operable or inoperable weapon will be referred for expulsion. Weapons are defined as firearms, knives, explosives, inflammable materials, or other items that may cause bodily injury or death. BB and pellet guns, pocket knives, and fireworks are weapons. The Gun Free Schools Act and the NRS 392.466 specify expulsion requirements based on the type of weapons and/or circumstances surrounding the infraction.
Furthermore, teachers can issue classroom disciplinary consequences (detention, for example) at their own discretion. Students who repeatedly cause classroom disruptions or who commit serious behavior infractions (see list below) will be disciplined through the Deans’ Office. Students may be subject to detention, in-school suspension, a required parent conference (RPC), out-of-school suspension, referral to Behavior School, expulsion, and/or arrest (as appropriate) for the following infractions:
● Academic Dishonesty
● Alcohol (Possession/Use)
● Arson
● Assault/Battery
● Automobile Misuse
● Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, or Intimidation
● Bus Citation
● Campus Disruption
● Classroom Disruption
● Computer Misconduct
● Controlled Substance (Distribution/ Possession/ Use – Including Paraphernalia)
● Defiance of School Personnel
● Disorderly Conduct
● Dress Code Violation
● Explosive Devices
● Extortion
● Fighting (Physical and/or Verbal)
● Firearms
● Forgery
● Gambling
● Gang Activity
● Illegal Conduct
● Immoral Conduct
● Nuisance Items
● PE Non-dress
● Profanity
● Robbery
● Tardiness
● Threats
● Theft
● Tobacco (Possession/Use)
● Truancy
● Vandalism
● Weapons 
Disciplinary Action
Required Parent Conference (RPC)
A required parent conference is intended to facilitate a cooperative solution to a problem. Generally, the student is called into the Deans’ Office and signs the RPC form. One copy of the RPC form is given to the student to take home and one copy is mailed home. An attempt is also made to contact the student's parent(s) or legal guardian. Students who receive an RPC-A may continue to attend school while the parent conference is pending. In situations where the safety of the student, the safety of others, or further investigation is necessary to arrive at a conclusion regarding a situation, a temporary removal of the student (RPC-T) for a period of up to two school days may be issued.
A suspension is the temporary removal of students from school when circumstances are such that they can no longer be kept in school without risk of detriment to the educational program or to themselves. The primary purpose of a suspension is to give students, parents, and the school the appropriate time needed to investigate and resolve a problem or conflict.
Expulsion is the termination of enrollment, either for a limited time or permanently, for students in Clark County School District schools by the Board of School Trustees. While the school may recommend a student for expulsion, the Education Services Division will make the final decision for expulsion.
Denial of Participation in Activities
Students who commit serious infractions, truancy, or demonstrate chronic misbehavior can and will be denied participation in school activities including field trips, shows, senior trips, school dances, clubs, graduation ceremonies, etc. Any student who has been expelled, on RPC, suspended, or in Behavior School may not attend or participate in school activities including dances, after-school activities, and/or out-of-district trips.

Activities Participation

CCSD Regulation 5135.1 B.1-2 states that students must maintain good overall grades and attendance to participate in school-sponsored activities. Participation in school activities, including field trips, dances, and other extracurricular events, is a privilege. In order to participate, students must not have excessive absences, must be passing all classes with a C or better, must have paid their program fees, and must not have outstanding debt. Additionally, students who have been suspended or removed from school for any disciplinary reasons may be prohibited from participating. *NOTE: Students on Warning or Probationary status must be cleared through the Activity’s Office for participation in any extra-curricular activity. Students will need to be picked up after events no later than 30 minutes after the event end time. Students who are not picked up within 30 minutes will be excluded from future events, and a Required Parent Conference (RPC) will be scheduled for the next school day. 

Field Trips

CCSD Regulation 6142 recognizes field trips as an important extension of the educational process. Specific criteria have been established for student eligibility.  Students who have excessive absences, demonstrate poor citizenship in the classroom, are in possession of alcohol or other drugs, or commit serious or chronic misbehavior will be denied participation in field trips. Additionally, in order to participate in a field trip, students must be passing ALL classes. Grade checks are conducted twice before the event. All students are required to turn in their own grade check forms by 3:00 p.m. two weeks before and one week before any trip. Any student who neglects to turn in his/her form or who submits it late is ineligible and is prohibited from attending the trip, and NO refunds will be issued.

The administration reserves the right of final determination of student eligibility for field trip participation based on academic performance, attendance, and conduct.  Any student who has been expelled, is currently on RPC, suspended or at an alternative placement may not attend or participate in school-related field trips.