Student Handbook » Guidance and Counseling Services

Guidance and Counseling Services

Counseling Office
East Tech provides a full range of services to students in the academic, personal/social, and career domains. Students are assigned a counselor based upon their program of study. Students may make appointments to see their counselor by contacting the counselors’ secretary in the Counseling Office. Parents may schedule appointments by calling the Counseling Office at 799-8888, x 4300.
  • Dr. Catherine Martinez Counselor, Department Chair
  • Kimberlee Cash, Counselor
  • Juan Guiton-Navarro, Counselor
  • Diana Gonzalez, Recruitment Counselor
Academic Probation
Students not maintaining a cumulative 2.0 GPA at the end of the first semester will be placed on academic probation. Each counselor will schedule a meeting with the student, parent/guardian, and all current teachers to develop a written improvement plan. Students must bring their cumulative GPA up to a 2.0 by the end of the academic year in order to maintain continued enrollment at the East Career & Technical Academy.
Career and Technical Policies
All ninth, tenth, and eleventh-grade East Tech students must have eight classes. Twelfth-grade students who wish to have a shortened schedule (at least four classes) must consult their assigned counselors.
Challenge Courses
It is East Tech’s policy to permit students to enroll in classes above their ability level or grade if they wish to do so; however, East Tech believes that it is not in the best interest of a student to enroll in a class that is above his/her ability level. The school does require that they obtain parental permission. Once a contract is signed, the student is required to remain in the contracted class for a period of at least one semester. Prior to signing a challenge contract, please note the following information regarding honors/AP classes/Dual Enrollment:
  • The curriculum is more intense, in-depth, and covered at a faster pace
  • Study time and homework will be increased substantially
  • Projects and assignments will be assessed at a higher level
  • Colleges and universities do not recognize weighted grade point average
Credit Checks
Credit checks are conducted with students to guarantee proper placement in courses required for graduation and program completion. Credit checks take place during pre-registration for the new school year. Early graduation is not permitted.
Supervision of daily home study is the responsibility of parents; daily study is an obligation of the student. To request homework for a student who has been or is absent three (3) or more days, the parent should contact the Counseling Office 24 hours before the homework will be picked up. Students have three (3) days to obtain appropriate makeup work following an absence and three (3) days to complete it and turn it in for academic credit.
Parent Conferences
At the request of students, parents, counselors, teachers and/or administrators, parent conferences are held to discuss student progress or concerns about a particular class or situation. The counselors’ secretary schedules parent conferences. Teachers must be notified 24 hours in advance. Parents should notify the school of specific concerns or additional information desired, beyond a review of grades, when requesting a conference.
Program Changes
Due to the four-year required Course of Study for all programs at East Tech, program changes are not possible. 
The Guidance and Counseling website is designed to provide students and parents with information on counseling services provided by the school district. It also serves as a support reference for preparing students for their future educational decisions regarding post-secondary planning. Starting with elementary school, parents and students are able to review a checklist of activities on “How to Support your Child’s Education.” These activities will assist with school success and will also prepare students for college, apprenticeships, trade and technical schools, military opportunities, or to go directly to work. For more details visit and select Guidance and Counseling from the menu for the information.
Schedule Changes
Schedule changes are based on misplacement due to ability level, sports participation, graduation requirements, and/or duplicate coursework. Changes will not be made for elective classes, lunch requests, or teacher requests. Students who withdraw from a class after the 18th day of the semester will receive a grade of “F” on the transcript.
Sports Participation and NCAA Eligibility
Students participating on a sports team for their zoned high school must provide their own transportation to that school. Prospective student-athletes who wish to play college sports as freshmen in Division I and II schools need to consult their zoned school coach for eligibility requirements. East Tech offers all academic courses for high school credit that qualify students for NCAA consideration.
Student Withdrawal Policy
Students can voluntarily withdraw from East Tech at the end of the school year. If a parent/guardian wishes to withdraw his/her student from East Tech prior to the end of the school year, he/she must first contact the Counseling Department at 799-8888. The administration must approve all voluntary withdrawals.