Student Handbook » Academic Dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty

The Nevada Code of Honor for students relates to cheating as prescribed pursuant to section 17.5 of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, and was adopted by the State Board pursuant to NRS 392. Cheating or academic dishonesty is defined by statute as the improper taking of information from and/or giving of information to another student, individual, or other source.
Examples of cheating can include, but are not limited to:
1. Taking or copying answers on an examination or any other assignment from another student or other source
2. Giving answers on an examination or any other assignment to another student through any type of media means
3. Copying assignments that are turned in as original work
4. Collaborating on exams, assignments, papers, and/or projects without specific teacher permission
5. Allowing others to do the research or writing for an assigned paper
6. Using unauthorized electronic devices
7. Falsifying data or lab results, including changing grades electronically
Examples of plagiarism can include, but are not limited to:
1. Submitting someone else's work, such as published sources in part or whole, as your own without giving credit to the source
2. Turning in purchased papers or papers from the Internet written by someone else
3. Representing another person's artistic or scholarly works such as musical compositions, computer programs, photographs, drawings, or paintings as your own
4. Helping others plagiarize by giving them your work
Collusion means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit.
Students who violate the Nevada Code of Honor will be subject to disciplinary action and required to complete an alternate assignment determined by the teacher. Disciplinary action for the violation of the Nevada Code of Honor is determined by the Deans' office in accordance with the progressive discipline plan.